Twitter & The Morning Paper

Throughout the years that I have been an active Twitter user, I have always perceived the app as a place for a quick giggle and current event catch-up. The side of Twitter that I’ve always been familiar with is a whole world of people who express their creativity through a number of different mediums- Memes, music, and art. Since joining this class and being motivated to explore further, I’ve been slapped in the face with the realization that there’s an endless number of communities on the app.

Creating a separate Twitter account for educational purposes has completely driven me to keep an open mind. At first, I found it difficult to find tweets and users outside of this class that I could relate to. Once I got into the swing of things and began to follow experienced educators, I enjoy it almost more than the side of Twitter I used to know. As an aspiring educator, I find it extremely motivating for me to see tweets that teachers post regarding their classrooms and students. I can gather inspiration for the type of teacher I plan to be and take notes on how I can maximize my future classroom.

Twitter allows me to keep up to date on the current events revolving around the educator community. The more people you follow the more likely you are to see topics from a number of perspectives. For example, I follow teachers, principals, and board of education members. A teacher is in a completely different position than a principal is when it comes to a number of discussions regarding educational systems and classroom etiquette. The app allows you to take a glance at the world through other people’s lives.

I think it’s important, at this time in my life, to keep myself motivated and inspired on a daily basis to keep reaching for my goals. At this point, I check Twitter like the morning paper- ESPECIALLY ON THE WEEKDAYS. I wake up and scroll through my feed and it genuinely excites me for the next chapter in my life where I can wake up and teach my own classroom full of students.


My Twitter – @steinermadalynk

Educators to follow – @GregSederberg , @mraspinall , @SteeleThoughts

3 thoughts on “Twitter & The Morning Paper

  1. Tori says:

    Hey Maddie! I loved this blog. You made some phenomenal points about how useful this app is for educators. I also found it rather difficult in the beginning to find other people to follow, but once I got the hang of it, it was super easy!! Using Twitter really allows you to branch out and communicate with people you never would have known!

  2. guetzlan says:

    You have some awesome points about the different opinions that each worker in a school may have about a certain topic.

  3. Nick Miele says:

    Hi Maddie! I really appreciated this blog as it is riddled with great points as to why and how this app is helpful for teachers. Twitter gives us the unique ability to control what content we see. If used correctly we as educators can learn from other educators across the world using Twitter.

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