The South Jersey Culture & History Center proudly presents…
A Day in the Pines
Saturday, November 12, 2011
1:00-4:00 PM
Featuring a Meet and Greet / Book Signing with Local Authors:
- Karen Riley: Voices in the Pines, Whispers in the Pines, and The Pine Barrens
- Stan and Ellen Fayer with Walter A. Brower: Chatsworth: Capital of the Pines
- Barbara Solem-Stull: The Forks and Ghost Towns
Books will be available for purchase and autographing, as well as local crafters’ displays – great gifts for the approaching holiday season!
Also with Special Guests from:
- The Shamong Historical Society
- The Pine Barrens Preservation Association
Please come out, grab some lunch, meet local authors and crafters, and learn about the Pine Barrens!
Location (see map below):
Shamong Diner
7 Willow Grove Rd. (off Rt. 206)
Shamong, NJ 08088
(609) 268-1182