Teachers Must Teach More Then Just Academic Curriculum

This is my first “Research Response”, and I will be covering and talking about the article I found using the hashtag #Edchat. The article as written by Grace Tatter, and is called “Six Ways to Teach Social and Emotional Skills All Day.”

As I was scrolling through the possible articles, this one immediately jumped out to me. As a future history teacher, I believe it is our responsibility as teachers and educators to make sure we impact our students lives by teaching them important and critical personal skills. I believe teaching our students important personal skills is just as important as teaching them the curriculum, as we have a responsibility to make sure our students grow as human beings inside our classroom.

These 6 ways of teaching emotional and social skills are all very crucial and important to incorporate on the classroom.

  1. Be Intentional
  • This part of the article talks about how teachers need to be intentional when making students practice emotional and social skills.
  • How creating these opportunities to have your students practice these skills, will then lead to them being able to grow academically because they will be able to overcome certain academic challenges.

2. Create a Warm Classroom Culture

  • Students will do best in the classroom growing if they feel they are in a safe learning environment.
  • How to make sure you show the student that you care about them and that you trust them, and to let them make their own decisions at times.

3. Focus on Relationships

  • Relationships need to be built and strengthen not just between teachers and students, but also between students and students.
  • Do what you can as a teacher, such as hold class meetings, to help the students built long term relationships with each other.

4. Make Discipline More Inclusive

  • This part talks about how it can be very beneficial to heal relationships instead of the use of punishments. Show kids that they made a poor choice and to not scold them to lower their self esteem.
  • Have a structured classroom and make your classroom norms very clear in how you expect your students to behave, and hold annual meetings on how these classroom norms are going with your students.
  • How having kids learning from their poor behavior can be very beneficial and a lot more efficient and effective then suspending them.

5. Broaden your Definition of Student Success

  • Make it clear to your students that doing well on tests is not the only measurement of success in the classroom.
  • Make sure to praise your students when they are successful in social and emotional aspects, such as facing challenges and helping others.

6. Advocate for Change on the School and System Level

  • This part of the article stresses collaboration and the importance of working with your school board and principal on social-emotional training.
  • Work with the other teachers in your school to talk about how the students are doing and what needs that they may have, and how to not let any student fall behind.

What do I think about these 6 ways of teaching kids emotional and social skills?

I believe that these 6 ways are all crucial to incorporate in your classroom to make sure every student is progressing the way they need in their personal skills. These 6 ways are all great different ways that make sure each student is growing as a person and teaching them valuable traits that will help them their whole life.

Thank you for tuning in to my first blog!

Follow me on twitter and join my through this great Journey! @Darminioe

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