Skype Blog

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W E L C O M E , 

  • This blog will be all about the most popular video connection tool… Skype! I haven’t used Skype in many years however, since this class I have learned many useful things about it! Not only have I used Skype but I also learned that in the future, I can include this tool in my classroom.
    STOP & THINK: Do you see yourself using Skype in your future careers?

Q: What can you do with Skype?

1. Make and receive video calls
2. Share Screens: More than 2 people could be on the call
3. Make phone calls (you can even call people through cellphone carriers such as, sprint and T Mobile)
4. Send Text Messages

Above shares a few positive things that you can do with Skype. These are all great ways to stay connected to your friends, family, co workers, classmates etc.

Image result for skype in the classroom

Skype in the classroom

Above is a link to twitter that shows an example of a class using  Skype into the classroom! 

To go along with the Twitter post above, I have also added another helpful link sharing the Skype experience in the classroom!


STOP & THINK: What are some ways you would use Skype in your classroom/career?

TIP:  Things classmates can do with their peers through Skype

1. Talk about chapters/lessons: This allows students to get learning, thinking, and most importantly interacting with peers in a fun way!
2. Create music: A music teacher could benefit from this idea!
3. Practice Techniques: For example, doing study guides together, reading, practice foreign languages.
4. Students could receive tutoring sessions through Skype: This could be a convenient tool for the student, the parents, and teacher.


Thank you for reading my blog post! This blog shared basic information about Skype such as, what students/teachers can do with this tool in their classroom, and what Skype is all about. I hope you learned something interesting that you would like to use in your future! I also hope you enjoyed the few questions asked throughout this blog in order to get you thinking about your future. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter at: @NavasFrancesca for more updates!


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