

Today I will be going into detail about the amazing photo based tool called: Animoto! So keep calm and READ ON!
Image result for animoto

– What is Animoto? 
Animoto is is an easy, fun tool used to create photo & music video stories.  You can upload your photos, arrange the order, select a piece of music and let Animoto do the rest of the work within just a short few seconds! Then before you know it you will have a great video slide show with transitions and effects the follow along to the music that you have picked!

– Why would I use Anitmoto?
Animoto is a great tool to capture special moments! For example, you can make this beautiful picture slide shows based on birthdays, weddings, or any huge milestones that have happened in your life! You may simply just want to use Anitmoto for a collage of your child/family member. Animoto is a fun and creative way to make someones day!

– How do I use Anitmoto?

Above is a quick way to explore the Anitmoto website in order to get started on making your masterpiece!


MY EXAMPLE: “I miss you, Dad”



  • In the future my students can use this tool to make projects about their favorite family member or friend! How would you use it?

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed exploring “Animoto” with me and you decide to try it out!
Follow me @NavasFrancesca for more great updates that you won’t want to miss.

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