Case Study Blog!

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The case studies throughout our final chapter have been great stories! They shared ways professionals and educators have kept global learning into their classrooms and how much they all benefited from it! I loved reading about their experiences and seeing how far they have come. Let me know what you thought about this chapter in the comments below! 




  1. The one case study that I enjoyed was Case Study 4.5 which was called: Our Global Friendships 

    – This study was an enjoyable read because it was a way for all educators to learn from each other in the community! I love the idea of learning new things together and using two minds to conquer material. This study was helpful for educators to read because in the future teachers can be more open to learning and working together!

  2.  Another case study that I enjoyed reading about was: Case Study 4.3 – THINK Global School: Learning to Be Global While Living Globally 

    – This case study promotes schools all around the world to learning to the fullest extent! “The school of about 12 teachers and 60 students from grades9-12 literally move each semester, relocating in a new environment and redeveloping curriculum objectives and learning outcomes based largely on that location”. In my opinion, this was such a moving scenario because you can truly understand the determination and motivation both the students and teachers have while doing this!

  3. Case Study 4.10 – Larisa Schelkin: Global STEM Education Center- This case study grabbed my attention due to the label “STEM” after grade school they added something called STEM into our curriculum and I never knew what it was! It was interesting to see this study explain it. The study stated, “STEM disciplines by all students to meet the needs of an innovation-driven globally competitive workforce and to enable the next generation to be effective in and with other countries/cultures in solving the problems urgently” (236).

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This blog will be my last blog! I hope you learned a lot from all of my posts in the past, and the stories that I have shared! Don’t forget you can always follow my Twitter @NavasFrancesca for updates.



Blog 12

  • Welcome Readers!

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    Today I will be discussing research on the use of virtual reality in classrooms and discuss how it can contribute to successful global collaborations! There is also a few apps that are used when remaining globally connected. For instance these may include Google expeditions, Google Earth Tours, and/or Google Lit Trips! So hang on tight while we explore through this reality!

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ClassroomVR is a versatile platform using the power of Virtual and Augmented Reality for education and training from the classroom.

Above is a helpful link that shares research that has been done on VR in classrooms!

  • Learning about virtual reality in the classroom has opened my eyes to a whole new perspective. It has amazed me to be able to continuously learn about new ways to use technology in our classrooms. We have learned over and over throughout this course that it is so important to keep children engaged and learning and globally technology has been the way! Now, learning about virtual reality I never want to turn back on my decision on becoming a teacher in the future. This is inspiring, and such a positive and fun way to do what you love with children of all ages.
    Image result for classroom vrImage result for classroom vr

Below is a link sharing an awesome example about virtual reality in the classroom!


THE APPS: There is also apps that can be considered useful for “virtual reality”.
Google Earth Tools –  There are a few google mapping tools that can help you change the world and are virtually useful. For example, google maps, google street view, your builder, google earth, and more!

VISUAL TOURS: This was one example that I found very interesting and I hope you do too! Below is a video showing an example of what you can do when using google visual tours!


Thank you for reading! I will see you on my next and last blog!
Follow me on Twitter at @NavasFrancesca



Today I will be going into detail about the amazing photo based tool called: Animoto! So keep calm and READ ON!
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– What is Animoto? 
Animoto is is an easy, fun tool used to create photo & music video stories.  You can upload your photos, arrange the order, select a piece of music and let Animoto do the rest of the work within just a short few seconds! Then before you know it you will have a great video slide show with transitions and effects the follow along to the music that you have picked!

– Why would I use Anitmoto?
Animoto is a great tool to capture special moments! For example, you can make this beautiful picture slide shows based on birthdays, weddings, or any huge milestones that have happened in your life! You may simply just want to use Anitmoto for a collage of your child/family member. Animoto is a fun and creative way to make someones day!

– How do I use Anitmoto?

Above is a quick way to explore the Anitmoto website in order to get started on making your masterpiece!


MY EXAMPLE: “I miss you, Dad”



  • In the future my students can use this tool to make projects about their favorite family member or friend! How would you use it?

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed exploring “Animoto” with me and you decide to try it out!
Follow me @NavasFrancesca for more great updates that you won’t want to miss.

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Out of Eden Walk

OUT OF EDEN WALK: 30 million steps, countless stories, one journey!

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  • The out of Eden Walk was a walk that took place between 50,000 and 80,000 years ago. Ancestors began a long trek from Africa across the undiscovered world.
  • The Out of Eden Walk is Paul Salopek’s multiyear, 21,000-mile storytelling odyssey across the globe in the footsteps of our ancestors.
  • Paul’s goal was to tell the untold stories of people around the world.

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Paul was born in California in 1962. He was raised in central Mexico. As a writer and journalist, he has traveled to more than 50 countries and earned most of America’s top print media awards, including Pulitzers for his reporting on human genetics and the civil war in Congo. In his past lives, Paul worked as a commercial fisherman in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, mined gold in Australia, and managed a ranch in Mexico.


“Walking is falling forward. Each step we take is an arrested plunge, a collapse averted, a disaster braked. In this way, to walk becomes an act of faith”

WHERE I’VE BEEN: “Walking Jerusalem”
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More than 800,000 people. At least 5,000 years of history. Two thousand archaeological sites. Hundreds of shrines sacred to the world’s three great Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

* Bridge of Strings
* Help wanted signs
* Jerusalem Light Rail
* Surrender
* Roadside Prayer
* Cinema City
* Skyway

  • Exploring through Jerusalem has been an amazing experience. Reading the stories and seeing the breath taking pictures has put this beautiful experience into perspective for me! What did you think?

How could YOU use this in your future classroom?
* Teachers may want to add this into their lesson plans by sharing this story, followed by a craft/activity!
How else do you think you could share this story to your students? Let me know in the comments below!

Click the link shown to Join the journey at OutOfEdenWalk.Org   An immersive digital storytelling experience hosted by the National Geographic Society!
Thanks for reading! Follow me on Twitter for more updates. @NavasFrancesca
#EdenWalk #GEN2108


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