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Today I will be discussing two important Norms that are included in our textbook! These Norms are simply called Norm 1 and Norm 2. While reading in chapter ten I realized how important these Norms truly are for any future teacher!

"So many potentially excellent global collaborations fail because, educators are not prepared, largely because they do not know what to prepare for".

There are two objects within this Norm and they are: Having a plan for connecting and determining how you will communicate.

WAYS TO TAKE ACTION: (Connecting) 
1. Using your PLN and PLCs to find partner for global collaboration.
2. Determine what common tools you will use to connect and collaborate.
3. Be sure to test all tools before hand: This can help with avoiding and little complications
4. Be sure you work out time zone differences.

WAYS TO TAKE ACTION: (Communicating)
1. Talk to other teachers and see how they are doing things!
2. Decide what communication activities you will want to do.
3. Make sure all students agree on the protocols.
4. Determine how many times a week this will take place.

Above is an excellent example of the Norms that are being discussed in our chapter! 

Side Note: In order for Norm one to be effective you need to be connected through easy tools that everyone can use and access.


"Every connection, communication and eventual collaboration must have a purpose. Planning is the key to success"!

1. Cultural exchange: (Q) Is the purpose of the project clear?
2. Inquiry and exploration into a topic (Q) Is the length of the collaboration clear?
3. Global project, short, or long, curriculm based (Q) What are shared inputs from participants?
4. Shared outcomes, student summit (Q) What are the shared outcomes?
5. Artifact exchange and/or co-creation (Q) Will there be artifact exchange?

Side Note: The purpose of this collaboration will determine the amount of planning and curriculum design that needs to take place by the teacher(s).


I hope you had fun exploring these two Norms with me! Follow me on Twitter at @NavasFrancesca for more updates on our future chapters!!
Thanks for reading! #GEN2108

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Skype Blog

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W E L C O M E , 

  • This blog will be all about the most popular video connection tool… Skype! I haven’t used Skype in many years however, since this class I have learned many useful things about it! Not only have I used Skype but I also learned that in the future, I can include this tool in my classroom.
    STOP & THINK: Do you see yourself using Skype in your future careers?

Q: What can you do with Skype?

1. Make and receive video calls
2. Share Screens: More than 2 people could be on the call
3. Make phone calls (you can even call people through cellphone carriers such as, sprint and T Mobile)
4. Send Text Messages

Above shares a few positive things that you can do with Skype. These are all great ways to stay connected to your friends, family, co workers, classmates etc.

Image result for skype in the classroom

Skype in the classroom

Above is a link to twitter that shows an example of a class using  Skype into the classroom! 

To go along with the Twitter post above, I have also added another helpful link sharing the Skype experience in the classroom!


STOP & THINK: What are some ways you would use Skype in your classroom/career?

TIP:  Things classmates can do with their peers through Skype

1. Talk about chapters/lessons: This allows students to get learning, thinking, and most importantly interacting with peers in a fun way!
2. Create music: A music teacher could benefit from this idea!
3. Practice Techniques: For example, doing study guides together, reading, practice foreign languages.
4. Students could receive tutoring sessions through Skype: This could be a convenient tool for the student, the parents, and teacher.


Thank you for reading my blog post! This blog shared basic information about Skype such as, what students/teachers can do with this tool in their classroom, and what Skype is all about. I hope you learned something interesting that you would like to use in your future! I also hope you enjoyed the few questions asked throughout this blog in order to get you thinking about your future. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter at: @NavasFrancesca for more updates!


What I’ve learned…

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  • We are half way through the semester and have already learned so much during short 8 weeks! Therefore, in today’s blog, I will be breaking down the things that I have learned and enjoyed most thus far in Web Tools: Global Learning course! There are many sites, and Apps that I have enjoyed using in this course already. I have truly learned and got a great idea of what Global Learning is all about. So, keep reading to get the insight of it all and read about all about the fun and interesting things that come along with it!

    1. BLOGGING: I am someone who uses social media very heavily and before this class I “thought” I knew what blogging was. It turns out Blogging is so much more than just receiving a comment or like on a post. Blogging is where you can come to express your feelings, or talk about topics that interest you most! Not only can you type them up for yourself, but most importantly you can share with the world! WordPress is were we upload our blogs, and we can even share them to Twitter! I never knew what WordPress was but now I love it and love how quick it is to access with our Stockton log in information!

    2. TWITTER: This course has let me explore Twitter in ways I have never done before! I use my personal Twitter on a regular basis but I really like having a professional page and interacting with my classmates on this social media site. I have learned to use more hashtags, create moments, and participate in twitter chats. Twitter is a great way to expand your knowledge in your future career path!

    3.  FLIP GRID: I have recently learned how to navigate this site called “FlipGrid”. At first, I was not thrilled to know that we would be recording ourselves but I think it is actually a great idea to get to know your peers. I like how quickly I was able to learn how to navigate it using the FlipGrid app via smart phone! I record myself and soon I am exploring with all the interesting things my classmates are talking about!

4. GOOGLE CLASSROOM: This was my first semester exploring with google classroom. One of my other courses also uses google classroom and I really like how it is set up. I think google classroom is a great tool to use as a teacher, and I hope to one day utilize it with my students. Google classroom allows you to complete assignments and is even organized with separating your assignments and classwork. After each assignment you can indicate that you’re done and wait for new assignments to show! It is also very convenient because, it can be linked to your email and than you will never miss a notification.

– Below is a quick little trailer on Google Classroom!

5. GLOBAL LEARNING: Last but not least, GLOBAL LEARNING! Global Learning is how all of the things above exist! Global learning is how we stay connected around the world while using the technology and resources we need in order to be successful. I learned how many teachers use global learning, and others do not. However, I believe one day I will try and add global learning into my classroom!



  • I hope you enjoyed reading about all the fun tools we use, and the things we learn about in Web Tools! If you have ever used this tools before, leave a comment and let me know which tool is your favorite! Also, don’t forget to follow me on Twitter at @NavasFrancesca for more updates! C YA on the next blog!

Boy Missing (Blog 6)

“Boy Missing”

Image result for netflix

Below is a link to the trailer of the movie that I watched with English Subtitles.


  • I watched a movie called “Boy Missing” on Netflix that was in Spanish. This movie was a horror/ suspenseful mystery that I truly recommend. This movie was about a deaf little boy named Victor. Victor lived with his mom, and did not know who his father was. His mother was a very busy lawyer and she spent most of her time working which allowed them to become very wealthy. However, one day this small families lives changed forever…

Q1: What you noticed about the cultural aspects of the characters and the settings?
This movie was very suspensful and kept me very interested. When it came to the characters I noticed that the main characters worked with the law, and some where detectives. Another main character was the villain who “supposedly” kidnapped Victor (his name was Charles). I believe victor and his mother grew up wealthy and were very fortunate of their surroundings. Their house was beautiful, and victor even attended public school. The son and mother were extremely close and throughout this film we are able to see just how inseparable they are.

Q2:  What was similar to your culture and what was different. How did they travel?  What did they eat as staple foods?  What was the weather like? Where do they go for fun? What did the characters value?
I think it was a little hard to try and figure out similarities based on our cultures because, it was an action movie that was constantly on the move. Also, it was surrounded by a wealthy family (which is different from the way I live). They traveled by car, and the only encounter they had with food was when their maid Alba tried giving Victor food after his “Kidnapping”. This was also a difference in my life and culture because, I do not have a maid in my home. The weather was warm, and some parts showed rainstorms and lastly, I believe the mother and son valued each other!


  • This movie was truly interesting and showed a major turn that I was not expecting. It was also fun to witness a movie in another language and pick out things that I could relate too. I hope if you’re reading this I have sparked your interested in watching “Boy Missing”.

    Thank you!!!!
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