Chapter 4

Textbook FUN!

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  • Today I will be discussing a case study in our textbook. I will be referring to this blog as a chapter FOUR recap! I will be introducing one case study topic from chapter four and a relatable outside source based on the case study that I thought was the most interesting to share with all of you! Overall, the case study will show how reaming globally connected in the classroom can benefit educators and students! So, sit back, relax, and keep scrolling!


This a case study about Karen Lirenman. Karen is an early year’s educator in Canada, and was given an award for winning primary school teacher who “is transforming education by connecting her students with the world using twitter, blogs, and video conferencing”. Her students have the choice in how to learn, show, and share their knowledge! In 2013, Karen was awarded ISTE’S Kay L Bitter Vision Award for excellence in technology based around PK-2 Education!

Response: In this case study, we are able to see just how passionate Karen Lirenman is with her students. I found this case study most interesting because, we are able to see global technology being used in such young years. I personally would have never thought of ways to include technology in the classroom in the early childhood education years.

Our textbook, even gives us a way to stay connected to Karen Lirenman!
Twitter: @Klirenman
Professional Blog:
Class blog:

Below is a link with five reasons as to why educators should stay globally connected in the classroom! (Can refer to topic on page 52)


  1. Engages students and creates active learning: The use of technology allows the students to learn in their own ways and they can quickly start to engage more in the classroom! 
  2. Encourages individual learning and growth: Staying globally connected in the classroom can only benefit children from here! 
  3. Facilitates peer collaboration: I love the idea of students working together! 
  4. Prepares students for the real world: Technology has surrounded our lives so heavily. Therefore, added it into the school curriculum would surely help students in the future. 
  5. Creates more engaged and successful teachers: I agree because, this is fun and more exciting for both the teacher and student! 

Image result for globally connected students

“My students are more interested in my classes and listen to my words more than other teachers that do not have global view” (Marzih,Abedi).

I hope you enjoyed this recap on chapter 4 as much as I did!
Follow me on twitter at: @NavasFrancesca


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