Hey Friends! Welcome to Blog #2!

Social media has recently surrounded our lives more than ever from teenage to adult years. For instance, as we become older we tend to forget about what the future may bring us. Ask yourself this, is your media accounts “job friendly”?  Sadly, there are many stories about teachers losing their jobs due to their Facebook posts…

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Here is a link to an article I found while doing research about a teacher who made a brutal comment about her students on Facebook: https://abcnews.go.com/Business/PersonalFinance/facebook-firings-employees-online-vents-twitter-postings-cost/story?id=9986796


This was a story about a sociology professor from East Stroudsburg University in Pennsylvania that was on the urge of being fired due to aggressive comments posted on Facebook about her students. Professor claims she was “having a bad day” and her friends on Facebook knew she was not being serious when she was making these comments. Do you think this is still okay since it was done as a joke? Overall, these are serious situations that can happen to anyone with any career which is why it is very important to be professional and cautious of what we post on a daily basis.

Question: After reading this article, do you believe this teacher should be fired? Why or Why not?

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  1. Taking pictures of/with their students:
    One of the main things we think about when we hear the word “technology” is a cellphone. For instance, taking pictures of students and posting them without permission is one of the worst things a teacher can do! Always avoid taking pictures with or of your students especially if you are unaware of the parents preferences to social media. However, most importantly teachers should be avoid picture taking and following their schools photography and filming policy at all costs to avoid any problems!
  2. The post/pictures they make on social media:
    Posting negative comments about your school, students, and/or other employees can get you in serious trouble. Always avoid posting personal issues about your career on social media due to the risk of jobs finding the posts. The article above is a prime example of this.
    TIP: Before posting asking yourself is this “job friendly”?
  3. Actively using your cellphone during school hours/while teaching:
    Lastly, flat out using your cellphone when you’re around children and supposed to be teaching is incredibly wrong. This is something a teacher should never do! You never want to take your attention away from the students in the classroom. This can cause serious consequences if a teacher is ever caught by his or her boss or by the parents of the child.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed and benefited from the list above! See you on the next blog!
Don’t forget to follow me on twitter at @NavasFrancesca

Here is another example in a short clip: Teacher fired for brutal tweets about former First Lady, Michelle Obama.

Comment below on your thoughts on this video!

“How Technology is Teaching kids to care about the World and each other”

Hi all! Welcome to my first blog!

While exploring and scrolling through twitter using the hashtag “EdTech” I found an interesting article that caught my attention just from the title. It is called “How technology is teaching kids to care about the world and each other” written by Rusul Allubail. Many people have different opinions about how much is too much screen time for children. However, this article puts into perspective how it can help in the classroom and not only benefit the students but also the teacher! Lastly, I believe this is a useful article to refer back too for any future educators!




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As we all know technology has played such a huge role in both adults lives and in  children’s lives as well. This article struck my interest as I quickly became eager to learn how young children could benefit from the use of technology in the classroom.


“We have to consciously work to change this cognitive behavior in ourselves and our students. And to be a better teacher of empathy, I’ve found more and more that it helps to use the same tools of technology that young people are already using”

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OVERVIEW: (Responses from Article)
The questions listed below where discussed throughout the whole article and sparked my thinking. However, I chose to post what I thought were the most important points to discuss for one that is interested in reading this article.

Q1: How has technology changed the classroom?
A:  Technology has changed the classroom by introducing lessons in empathy and focusing on social impact in a new and engaging way.

Q2: What does Educational Technology provide for teachers? 
A: It provided teachers with a way to enhance student learning through tech-based tools like apps, software and videos that instill and foster critical thinking and creativity.  For example, it may include students playing a computer game to learn how a bill becomes a law or a lesson on how to write a persuasive letter to their legislator.

Q3:  What was the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and how did it benefit teachers?
It was a conference, and one of the most beneficial parts of the conference was being involved and having the chance to connect with teachers, and to learn more about how they’re using specific tech in the classroom. 
Q4: What was one positive example of technology use in the classroom?
A:  Seventh grade social studies teacher Edgar Ochoa from Phoenix, Arizona, uses Cisco’s Global Problem Solvers (GPS) as a part of the tech giant’s Corporate and Social Responsibility initiative. It consists of an animated series made up of characters and an activity that challenges students to create their own solutions to real-world problems. Ochoa said one of the groups doing a GPS project came up with the problem of massive plastic garbage patches in the ocean, which pose a big threat to wildlife. “So, they created a device that goes out with the sensors on it, and that the government monitors at all times.”
As educators and parents, many of us are eager to find out about new technologies that will help our children learn. Developing empathy can be a powerful skill set for students — and yes, adults, too. It’s important that we sit down with ed tech, and ask, how is it making a difference in our world?
Thanks for reading!!
Don’t forget to follow me on twitter at @NavasFrancesca
How do you feel about technology use for children in the classroom?