
Case Studies

I read into the case study 3.3 of Leah Obach and Devon Cadwell, and I found out about more collaborative tools that I can use as a future global educator to reach out to other parts of the world. In this case study, it is said that Leah and Devon are currently teachers at an elementary school. These two teachers had their students learn globally consistently for a whole year. Which leads their students to learn and share many online collaborative projects and resources. Digging into more about the teachers, I found that Leah has a Twitter and a blog where she has many informational blog posts. I had recently checked out the one titled “Tech Tools to Connect with.” In that blog, she gives us a few collaborative tools of use during this pandemic, and this includes Microsoft office 365, seesaw, google suite for education, and Flipgrid. Each of those tools is good to use to connect with the kids online in your classroom and outside the classroom! I am proving her Twitter @mrsobachsclass and a link to her blog click here!

Case Study 3.1 describes Mali Beickley from Canada, who has 34 years of experience in teaching. Over the past 12 years, she has used ICT and successfully had her students connect, communicate, and collaborate with several classes worldwide. As a classroom teacher, Mali used global education projects to integrate reading and writing strategies into projects that connect to others around the world. Mali has her students get involved in project competitions and global workshops! She is an assistant coordinator of the IEARN Canada and designs and facilitates many international projects. She has created her own way to connect herself and her students from people around the world. To learn more about Mali follow her on Twitter @dreamteam51 and also go check out here website

Thank you to everyone who has followed along my journey with these blog posts! I hope everyone has enjoyed it and Happy Holidays!!


Gear VR

I explored using the VR with Earth google tours, and it is nonetheless but awesome! You can see the earth’s map from a 3d standpoint. The visual is as if you are looking on the outside looking in down on the world. In other words, it is a 3d model that you can interact with using the Gear VR. It allows you to go anywhere in the world of your choice to explore in 3D! Without the Gear VR on Earth tour, you can see the entire world that has been captured through helicopter imaging; however, the world is not 3D; it is flat. To take a small tour of the earth in 3D, click here! Earth google tours give you selections of where to visit in the world, and it offers a search bar where you can type in the location, and it will bring you to it instantly.

Samsung has its own Gear VR, which happens to be very popular, but it can be pricey. An alternative for the Gear VR headset by Samsung is the google cardboard. Google cardboard is capable of giving a 3D effect, just like the Gear VR Samsung created. Although they are similar, they are also different quality-wise and technology. Google cardboard is exactly how it sounds because it’s made out of cardboard! It supports most phones up to 6 inches and would cost about $20. Now it doesn’t have all the features and luxuries the Samsung gear has, but it is good to try for a demo. I personally have had experience with the Samsung VR headset as it was a gift to my brother. I’d say it is worth the money; it makes you feel like you are in the game or whatever it may have been. I haven’t tried it with Earth Tour, but that is definitely where I am headed to!!! If you would like to find more about good cardboard to give it a try, click here!

Success Using this Tool for Global Collaborations

I believe that using Gear Vr can be of great use in Global Collaborations. This would be a great tool for projects. Students can be assigned a project about another country, and they can use this tool to help them create their project, giving them more insight into the country. They can use VR and google tours to look at their assigned country and describe it. This is another opportunity given to kids to better describe another country that travels beyond their classroom walls! Also, it is a good way to keep students interested, and this can bring real-life experiences!

Thanks, everyone, for reading my blog!

Twitter- @Kaylanick22


Out of Eden Walk

“Out of Eden Walk” is a platform that shares many resourceful, educational post. They have a variety of subjects you can learn from! I happen to check out a few myself self one of which I got to share the interest of Jamal Glaves and the wildlife of Antillean manatees. Jamal Antillean is now a conservation biologist; however, it started off when he turned 11; he was love at first sight with exploration! Ever since he joined the research team, it has been his mission to help rescue Antillean manatees. Two decades later, Jamal has the program coordinator position for the Belize Manatee Conservation program at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium Research Institute! To learn more about endangered manatees and how you can contribute, click here!

Reflection-I think it’s fascinating that he has such a strong interest in that area at such a young age! That was his calling, which is great. Also, tying into this, it is important to help preserve wildlife and create a cleaner environment for them!

Another exploration I came across was ” Plastic Pollution,” which discusses the use of plastic and its effect on the environment. Plastic can end up being recycled and reused, especially in areas like medicine and public safety. However, it is said that 40 percent of plastic is only used once before it is thrown out into the environment, where it lingers for a very long time. Eventually, the tossed plastic will break down into bits sized pieces called microplastic, where it is usually consumed by animals and people. We can all pitch in and keep the environment clean by not using plastic bags, bottles, straws, disposing of waste properly, and recycling. This will help make a difference in the community. To learn more about pollution, click here!

Reflection- Most of us today are all guilty of littering, and it is articles such as this that make you feel guilty for the time you did. Litter is a major cause of global and health hazards. To see pictures with massive litter everywhere saddens me. Awareness should be spread and it starts with someone like you!

In addition, I learned about ” Infectious Disease” which discusses the process of how people get sick. The initial start of someone getting sick is when an organism that is big or small invades the body and infects it. These infectious agents determine the severity of the infection and some can be life-threatening. Bacterial and viruses attack the human body on a cellular level. Parasites such as tapeworms can enter the human body and feed off the blood and nutrients without killing the host! Here is an article to learn more in-depth about this topic!

Reflection- Infectious disease is something many of us have experienced throughout our lifetime. Whether it was from a virus or something else, we know how deathly these infectious agents can be. Therefore, it’s important to keep up with your health.

Thank you everyone for reading my Blog! <3