For my last blog post this semester, I wanted to talk about two different case studies, which I read about in our text, that specifically stuck out to me!
The first case study that I found very interesting was the THINK Global School (TGS). I found this to be an incredibly interesting opportunity for kids to be exposed to different cultures. Essentially, this is a school which moves each semester to a new location, and develops curriculum objectives and learning outcomes based on that new environment!
I personally found this to be an incredible way to offer students authentic learning, as you immerse the students into the different cultures they’re learning about.
The second case study I found very interesting was on The Centre for Global Education. The Centre for Global Education is an organization with develops virtual projects to engage youth through connection to the people and places they are learning about.
This is another way for educators to encourage authentic learning for their students! Teachers can use this tool as a way to encourage students to learn beyond their immediate classroom. You can access The Centre for Global Education’s website, here!