This week, we have been tasked with utilizing an online tool of our choosing to tell a story about ourselves. After doing my research, I chose to use the web tool Exposure to create my story.

However, I quickly found this to be the easier part of the assignment. I struggled a lot when deciding what to write my story about. Luckily, Professor Wendt included a helpful link to 100 Prompts for Writing About Yourself, and that helped me decide what I wanted to write about.
Once I decided on my topic, the actual process of writing the story was made quite easy through Exposure. ( Pro tip: Exposure lets you trial their premium access tools for 14 days without any commitment!)
The first thing I did was title my story, and create a title page. I found that it was very easy to do this as the tool prompts you immediately to this page when you create a new story!

The site was easy to navigate from start to finish, and once I created the cover page I was able to begin writing the story underneath. I was able to add images that correlated with the story, and I was also able to align them within the text as I saw best fit.

From there, the process was mostly repetitive as I finished writing the story. One tool, that I found particularly helpful, was the option to preview the story as it would look in published format. This was helpful because I was able to imagine what the story would look like to readers!
You can check out my full story by clicking here, or following the embedded link below!
The case of the Unwelcome visitor by Amanda Bonfonti on Exposure
In the end, I found Exposure to be a really useful tool for digital storytelling! However, I might look for other free options moving forward. Exposure can be used as a free platform at the end of the 14 day trial, but only allows the creation of three stories per user in the free version. If this was something I were to implement into my classroom I would want to find a version that allows for more stories to be created through a free platform!