Technology Issues-Closing the Gap

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One of the largest problems we see today especially when it comes to global learning is the technology issues that come inside the classroom. This is not only a problem that is happening in classrooms around the world, but also right here in our own country. Below is a link to an article by Janelle Cox to give a quick background of the technology issues faced here in the United States and also around the world.

Read the Cox article here:


Cox describes in her article that technology is rapidly growing to where most schools can’t keep up with it. This is mainly due to budget restraints, which is the largest reason to why 3rd world countries can’t have technology in their classrooms. If these schools no matter where they are located, do not have the budget to have technology in the classroom they will remain behind as being a global educator. Time does not stop, neither does the world especially with the progress of man in technology. Schools are always in a race to keep on pace with each other, especially when it comes to technology. The schools that have the budget to spend on technology, they will continue to progress and become greater global educators. Technology is one of the main power sources behind global learning, without it especially in today’s world it becomes very difficult to connect with the rest of the world. Technology is what keeps the world and man moving forward in a positive direction.

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Closing The Gap

Although a school’s budget might be seen as the biggest culprit to why a teacher can’t have the proper technology needed in a classroom, there is actually other reasons to this problem. In Julie Lindsay’s book The Global Educator, she quotes a speaker named Julio Rojas that states, “In our country Venezuela, we face great difficulties, one of which is precisely the technology gap. My society still sees with the skepticism the use of technology. My challenge is to demonstrate that technology can open up large and very important experiences” (Lindsay, 2016). Rojas is speaking on not budget issues to the downfall of technology in classrooms, but the simple fact that some communities do not believe in the use of technology in education. This is why global learning is so important because we can learn from each other around the world, to see what works in education and what does not work.

Making Everyone A Technology Believer

Examining the research and evidence that has been provided about technology in classrooms around the world we mark several notes.

  1. We need to understand technology first.
  2. We need to educate the teachers on how to use it properly
  3. How technology can advance our students and the future that lies ahead
  4. How technology can make our students be the best they can be

Below is a Ted-Talk Video presented by Jesse Woolley-Wilson who is an eLearning Leader who discusses the importance of education in the classroom. We need to spread this information to many schools, so they can understand the importance of technology in the classroom. Educate the schools first before we can educate the students.



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