WE Scare Hunger

The WE Schools Program gives teachers and students opportunities to get involved in issues surrounding the Sustainable Development Goals that spark their interests, and guides them to effect positive changes in their own communities, around the country, and around the world.

Goal 2 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs

When I was exploring some of the educational resources on the WE website, I was drawn to the WE Scare Hunger Service Learning Campaign.

Food is something that so many of us take for granted. We often don’t give a second thought about whether or not there will be a warm meal on the table for us at dinnertime, or a bowl of cereal to pour in the morning before walking out the door. We often don’t think about the many others in our country and around the world that aren’t as fortunate as we are; those that have to put survival before anything else, especially school. That is why, as a future educator, I think it is so important to bring awareness to the issue of hunger and food insecurity. Collecting food for local food banks is such a small and simple way that we can help others. I will most definitely have my classes partake in food drives throughout the year. But after looking over the resources offered by WE, it’s clear that the initiative doesn’t stop there. It’s critical that we teach our students about hunger and how it affects us locally and globally. WE provides educators with the resources necessary to transform the way students think about this issue, among many others. They even provide the Common Core Alignment Standards so that you can easily incorporate these types of learning campaigns into classroom lessons.

I think it is so wonderful that we have access to resources like WE and the ability expose our students to learning opportunities that will not only inspire them to do good in the world, but also transform them into informed, well rounded, change-making citizens.

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