“Pandora’s Box”

The show I chose to watch with English subtitles was a Russian TV series known as Pandora’s Box. It is a drama that is centered around a Russian family; a mother and father who were both physicians. It starts out as a flashback of when the couple adopted their 3 small children, all of whom were at the orphanage they worked at, and fled to a new part of Russia. It then fasts forward to when the children are grown and the mother has recently passed away. The father holds onto this box, hence the title of the series, that he believes no one else knows about that looks to contain old family pictures. Toward the end of the first episode, Vera, the eldest daughter, and her son, visit her father. After joining her father and other siblings for a family dinner, Vera’s brother asks her son to break into his grandfather’s room to steal the box (he thinks it contains jewelry) so he can pay off a debt. When Vera’s son retrieves the box from his grandfather’s closet, he clumsily drops the box on his way out. The family runs to see what the noise is and discovers the contents of the box spilled across the floor. To everyone’s surprise, the contents of the box end up being the children’s adoption certificates. The first episode ends as the 3 children struggle to come to terms with finding out that they were adopted.

In terms of culture, I was expecting to see major differences in the family structure in comparison to the typical American family. However, I didn’t really notice many differences. The family dynamic seemed very similar to the everyday average family, with two hard working parents who were determined to give their children a better life. I feel as though negative stereotypes often paint Russian men to be very stern and cold, which is the complete opposite of what I observed in the relationship between the father and his two daughters.

I did notice how different the architecture in the homes were compared to homes you see in the United States. The eldest daughter’s home especially, and perhaps this is because she was a wealthy physician, was full of different marble and glass finishes. It had a very modern feel that felt a little cold rather than cozy.

When I noticed what the dinner table looked like when they were having a family meal, it looked very old fashioned, with elegant looking china accompanied by a large tea pot in the center. They also had pastries laid across the table with their dinner. It looked like something I would picture a tea party to look like and not a typical American family dinner.

Above all, what resonated with me most was the value of family that was conveyed throughout the episode. The importance of family is something that resonates across all cultures, which is why I think anyone could potentially enjoy this show. The father, struggling to accept the death of his wife, is doing his best to keep his family together, and his efforts are stifled when they discover the contents of the box. I was surprised that I really enjoyed it and I hope to continue watching the rest of the show in my spare time.

Silhouette of adult people and kids holding hands at sunset sky, family  free image

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