Election Party

On November 8th, from 7:00p.m. to 12:00a.m. there was an Election Party in the board of trustees room in the Stockton University Campus Center. This event was open to all students, and showed live feed of the election results, while providing friendly competitions to win prizes and refreshments. At the party they had cake, pizza, popcorn, and drinks for students to snack on while watching the votes come in. In the meantime, students were also given the opportunity to guess the Electoral College results, in hopes of winning a cardboard cutout of one of the candidates. I had also attended the previous debate parties, and the turnout for this event was enormous compared to the previous events. I showed up a little late because I had a class right before and when I got to the board of trustees room it was hard to even find a seat!
At the event overall there was a very good energy. People were very invested in what history was being made right before their eyes. Donald Trump did much better in states that he was not projected to do as well in, such as Ohio. Hillary Clinton kept Virginia for the Democratic party, which was a big win for her, as well as winning California, which carries a staggering 55 electoral votes. Other states like Florida and Pennsylvania took a very long time to reveal the winners for, but Donald Trump ended up winning both of those states.
The whole results progress of the election was nail-biting for everyone in the room, no matter who they were there supporting. It went back and forth for hours, finally resulting in the victory of Donald Trump. The swing states gave him the victory that most people did not expect him to have. This came to the shock of many people, especially since the media made it seem like Hillary Clinton had an almost guaranteed victory. Going to this event was very worthwhile, because of the excitement it added to watching the results come in.