Honors BBQ

This Wednesday, April 20th, was the annual Honors barbecue.  Held in the Housing Four quad, it was a fun event where honors students could come relax, hula hoop, and eat some free burgers and hot dogs.

About thirty people showed up for the barbecue.  As an executive board member I showed up early to help out.  After the food from Chartwell’s arrived we setting everything out – cheese, ketchup, mustard, fixings, and corn on the cob.  We had to shuck the corn ourselves, and were surprised to find about six baby corns: tiny little corn cobs that had grown off the larger ones.  They were absolutely adorable!  While the plan was to grill the big corn, I was so hungry I thought I’d give raw corn a try, and I was not disappointed!  I was also the official taste tester for the first hotdog, and was given the sad, broken burger no one else wanted to eat.

The food was delicious.  There were burgers and hot dogs, as well as vegan options like veggie burgers.  There was also lemonade and iced tea to drink.  After eating the honors students were given the chance to pie an executive board member if they donated $1 to our charity, but unfortunately almost everyone had to leave early.

I really enjoyed the barbecue, and can’t wait until we do it again next year!