Virtual Reality and how it effects Global Collaboration.

To begin I would like to have some history on the creation of Virtual Reality and what it is. VR or virtual reality which has dated back all the way to 1957 and was devised by Morton Heilig, and known as the ‘Sensorama’. and the improvements of virtual reality throughout the years can be read and watched at these links.

Virtual Reality History-

What is virtual reality-

This blog is about virtual reality and its’ connection with global collaboration. Gear VR which is a virtual reality head-mounted display mount developed by Samsung Electronics and is compatible with applications like Google expeditions, Google Earth Tours, Google Lit Trips just to name a few. But the real question is, is Gear VR capable of producing the same knowledge gathering and project creation that other global collaboration tools provide and the answer is yes. While some ways of global collaboration involve computer screens and seeing things through said screens, passing knowledge through speech, reading books and articles, VR is considered the tool to bring all these together and also bring you places you can not go and also to times in history we can not humanly go while being anywhere in the world.

VR can be an improvement to global collaboration for example children in the USA are trying to collaborate with kids in China on a project on the Great Wall but most kids from the USA have never even left there town rather the country to visit the site but with VR these kids can sit in the comfy classroom and see the wall as if they had teleported across the globe.

Here is part of a lesson plan and also a quiz I found interesting located on

Image result for virtual reality

P.S – Want to follow a beginning tech blogger well than follow me on Twitter: @Cody__Grace

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