Creating a PLN

What is a Personal Learning Network? Well thanks for asking or not, A Personal Learning Network codename PLN is best defined in the words of Dori Digenti she states that a “PLN consists of relationships between individuals where the goal is enhancement of mutual learning. The currency of the PLN is learning in the form of feedback, insights, documentation, new contacts, or new business opportunities. It is based on reciprocity and a level of trust that each party is actively seeking value-added information for the other.” So in more easier to understand language a PLN can be a platform were you connect with other people and share feedback and personal knowledge, thoughts and opinions towards a work or topic.

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creating a PLN is very simple but daunting task as it does take some time and work but in the long run it can create a very powerful base for finding knowledge and spreading knowledge. One of the first steps to creating a PLN is making connections these connects can be formed on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, blogs, Google+ communities anywhere people can connect and share. The second step is learning the power and the features of these platforms like how your posts are viewed, how can you edit your posts, and also how to add awesome content for your following to enjoy and absorb. The third step is incorporating hashtags and using them. Hashtags can be a very powerful tool in building a PLN because using a hashtag encircles all the knowledge around your hashtags topic for example if I used the hashtag #Edu I would most likely find information based on education based on my tag this works for almost everything. The fourth step is create a blog to help give your platform a base use a blog to express bigger ideas and thoughts you have on certain topics these create a larger place to house your knowledge that those little post boxes with maxed out word count can not handle. The fifth step is creating time to build your PLN using posts, hashtags, and connections build your PLN to expand your knowledge and learn things that can help improve you in your line of work this step is the most important of all because if you do not spend the time to expand your PLN you may miss out on valuable information.

Wanna watch a visual on how to create a PLN watch this short video!

P.S – Want to follow a beginning tech blogger well than follow me on Twitter: @Cody__Grace

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