5 ways tech can truly improve learning

“5 ways tech can truly improve learning”

Welcome to the first educational blog post for GraceTech!

Using the hashtag #edtech I came across this article written by a guy named Matt Miller and in this article he identifies 5 ways technology can improve learning. These fives ways I have taken the liberty to include them in this post and elaborate more on the topics and give my opinion in the end.

Link to article – http://ditchthattextbook.com/2016/10/17/5-ways-tech-can-truly-improve-learning-with-examples/

1. Technology can shorten the feedback loop.

  • In this step he addresses the issue of “homework” he brings up that must paper assignments handed to students end up either in the trash, on the floor, or lastly in a locker. All of this is a negative feedback loop. And Miller believes that Technology such as google classroom, and goformative both allow assignments to be created digitally instead of on paper creating a positive feedback loop

2. Technology can make great connections.

  • In this he takes about how connections create great memories and allow people no matter how far apart to be able to face to face communicate he brings up technology like skype and remind.com which allow teachers and students to connect with one another even if the are not sitting in a typical classroom setting.

3. Technology can help kids make a difference.

  • Miller in this section discusses how today’s kids are so connected with technology that if you begin to use technology and the kids feel that they are improving and connecting their lives to others that they will begin to be more invested in the learning process. he again brings up the technology like skype and remind which empower students to connect with each other. He also uses the site Freerice.com where students answer questions online and as they get questions right they are basically donating rice to the hungry for FREE and is a good empowerment tool.

4. Technology can take students there. 

  • In this section Miller uses the example of field trips and how its very time consuming and expensive for schools. But with  Google maps, Google Earth he says let students explore and use the technology to explore they won’t get the same feeling as if they were actually standing there but not everyone has the money to go see the great wall, eiffel tower, or an old cathedral.

5. Technology can help us find ideas.

  • Lastly he brings up the point that tech can help us find ideas and he says “The single most important move I’ve ever made to improve my practice as an educator was to start using Twitter professionally.” which he uses to follow and find educators and bounce ideas off them and learn neat tricks and tips from the people he meets by using technology.

Is Matt Miller right in his article? Does technology really effect us that much in how we learn and express information?

Writers Opinion – As I write this the year is 2019 and technology is a huge discussion topic, we have tech in our homes, vehicles, shopping centers, and businesses almost all known information from the beginning of time to the present has be processed and digitized and almost anyone can find information on what they need to know or want to know. so to offer students this much power in knowledge to ask questions and find answers. I agree in the fact that technology does have an effect on us, because without it we would know so very little and be afraid to ask BIG questions.


Image result for learning

P.S – Want to see technology in learning throughout history? Watch this youtube video for some quick and fun knowledge – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFwWWsz_X9s

P.P.S – Want to follow a beginning tech blogger well than follow me on Twitter: @Cody__Grace


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