Twitter: The good, the bad, and the ugly

Posted by rowee1 on October 14, 2019 in Uncategorized |

Hello all. Recently, I created a professional Twitter account. I had used Twitter in the past, but hadn’t owned my own personal account in about five years.

To tell you the truth? Twitter still does not particularly interest me. I love pictures, and I love that Instagram is picture based, but Twitter is not. Twitter does not hold my attention as much as other social medias.

Person Holding Iphone Showing Social Networks Folder

However, I can also acknowledge that Twitter is more useful for creating and maintaining professional relationships, as well as reaching a wider audience through likes and retweets.

The layout of Twitter is still something I have to get used to, and is definitely different from the last time I was active on it.

The conversations I have had with professionals on Twitter have changed the way I think about learning. Most, if not all, of the professionals on Twitter do not get paid for communicating with regular people on the internet, as well as maintaining intelligent conversations and expressing advice and ideas. I have had several in-depth conversations with professionals on Twitter, and I was surprised at how dedicated they were to interacting with me, a future educator.

Woman Using Silver Laptop

I have learned more about new technology in the classroom that I will definitely use when I am a teacher. That information is crucial to me.

I will continue using Twitter for this class, however, might switch over to Instagram for a professional account. I believe a lot can be expressed in pictures, as well as longer captions.

Person Holding Phone While Logging-in on Instagram Application


  • Che says:

    Hello, Emily! Excellent breakdown of Twitter as a tool for learning. People should definitely be wary of what they post, but I love that you show that Twitter is not something we should worry about what we post on, but rather use it for bettering and expanding our range to others.

  • butlerk says:

    I feel the same about my PLN and I like the idea you have to also make a professional instagram account. I may do the same.

  • Amanda says:

    Hi Emily! I have to respectfully disagree with you on my love for Twitter! I have always been a big fan of Twitter, albeit usually for personal purposes, rather than professionally. However, I have found that the immediacy of Twitter, when dealing with professionals in the field, has been very useful. What do you feel would make Twitter a more captivating platform for you?

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