Can you lose your job for using technology? In short – yes.

Posted by rowee1 on September 23, 2019 in Uncategorized |

As technology becomes more prevalent, its misuse also becomes prevalent as well.

We all know the dangers of social media, but how many of us are always able to tell when we are misusing it? Whether it be a raunchy photo posted of last night, or of your controversial opinion on politics. You don’t always think of your job when you post things on your own time on social media, but as the use of the internet grows, it is important to consider it. What would your boss think of what you shared on Instagram? What about your thoughts on Twitter? Would they find them as relatable and humerous?

Check out this paper written about the misuse of technology by educators

Three ways to get fired from your job for your misuse of technology:

1.) Posting inappropriate content on social media such as nudity and foul language. This is self-explanatory.

2.) Posting controversial content regarding other staff at your school or workplace, or negative words about your workplace. Additionally, posting controversial content about politics and social issues in general can be grounds for termination.

3.) Contacting your students through social media or a non educational online forum (specifically for teachers). Contacting any student under 18 outside of school on social media is a big no-no. Contact with your students should remain professional and in the classroom.

All of these examples can happen both in and outside of the workplace. Protect yourself and watch what you do inside the classroom, office, and in your own home.


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