
Remind (Remind 101)

I chose the tool Remind or

I chose this tool because many of my former teachers all throughout high school used this to keep us students on track for upcoming events and assignments that were due. This tool is very helpful for teachers to use with their students in school. What this app can do, is the teacher can send out a notification to just one student or the entire class and their parents if need be for an upcoming event. For examples: Back to School Night on October 14th or an upcoming test the students should start studying for.

What I always found unique about it is how your teacher can communicate with you other than by an email. The teacher can send out quick reminds to his/her students so they can see the notification automatically and either reply back or send a quick emoji in return so the teacher knows that student saw the message sent out.

I would use it in my classroom to send out messages and quick reminds to my students about upcoming tests, assignments, due dates, events at the school so both the students and their parents can see what’s coming up or going on at their child’s school soon.

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