Welcome to my first Blog Post!!
For our assignment this week I decided to look at a post on Eric Sheninger’s blog. Sheninger is a verified twitter account and has written many books on educational technology. He is a certified Google Innovator, the winner of multiple awards including the Ed Tech Leadership award, and his blog is ranked #33 out of 100 according to Teach.com
This week as I was searching for an article, I came across an interesting post about Personalized Learning, and how it can be extremely beneficial for students. In today’s technological climate, where technology is always upgrading, is it worthwhile for educators to continue to use the same old paths to teach their students and prepare them for the future? Sheninger gives us several ways to incorporate a more personalized learning outline into the classroom.
Read the Full Post Here:

The process begins with a shift in focus, out of the ‘what’ (content, tests, programs, curriculum) and moves more into the ‘who’ to create a learning experience for students that both builds their strengths and weaknesses. He breaks down some ways we can create a more personalized learning by giving several categories from which to go from as a starting point. I have quickly summarized and given examples of each.
- Learning Environment: creating a less rigid and uniform environment and incorporating multiple outlets for children to learn.
- Virtual courses, innovative schedules, small learning groups.
- Curriculum: Content knowledge is still uniform and essential for students across the board. While what exactly the teacher is supposed to be teaching is regulated, looking at the way in which it is taught is a way to help personalize the learning of students.
- Delivery of content, explanation, keeping topics relevant
- Pedagogy: This requires teachers to be able to design and implement class activities that not only teach the required materials, but also that can meet the needs of all students in the classroom.
- Cooperative learning, guided and independent practice, scaffolded questions.
- Assessment Data: Correctly analyzing collected data and using it effectively to create a learning program to create a more personalized program.
- Targeted instruction, Tiered tasks
- Voice: Honor the voice and opinion of the students. Allowing them to have a say in the education process. The more students are involved in a partnership with their teachers, the more positive the association becomes for them to learn. Allowing students their voice could create meaningful changes in how teachers practice.
- Choice: One of the easiest to incorporate into the classroom. This could be as simple as letting children choose where to sit, or as complicated as allowing them to choose and online class vs a face to face one. As long as students can show confident concept mastery, does it matter if they chose assignment A over assignment B or C?
- Path, Pace, Place: If all students are working on the same thing at the same time, individual needs cannot be met.
- Path: customized curriculum, selecting order, independent study
- Place: simply, the location of the learning. (virtual, outdoors, classrooms)
- Pace: — allowing students to master their assignments in a way that works best for them.

Overall I really enjoyed reading this and have a new way to think about approaching lessons as I become an educator. Sheninger is right, we cannot expect students to all fit into one box for learning. A simple example using technology would be to pose a question to students and allow them to answer on their devices in a way of their choosing. Some students may just type the answer, while some may draw a picture, post a GIF, or use an audio clip. Responding in a way they choose and enjoy is going to help them absorb and enjoy the information you as the teacher are trying to impart. Using technology in this way can also help to involve introverted students and allow them to be comfortable while they learn.
Providing personal education I think is going to be one of the ways the excellent teachers are separated from the ordinary ones.