data visualizations Examples How Two Or More Numbers Are Alike Or Not

Comparing Numbers

I am going to be showing examples of insightful data visualizations that compare numbers.

  1. The first one is from a website named datapine.
Sales graph in the form of line chart: amount of sales by payment method

In this line graph, the number of how many sales were made by various payment methods is being shown, different months and years, and how they changed over time. The lowest was abut 20k being used by bank transfers. The highest was about 90k being used for credit card payments. For credit cards, September seems to go very low. With these numbers and information being presented we can take many guessed on why people only use certain payments a certain amount of times at a certain time in point.

2. The second example is from a website named venngage.

Simple Comparison Table Infographic Templates

This website provided this infographic as an example of how companies highlight features and pursued buyers to buy certain products. They use the phone they want you to buy and compare it to one that has fewer features or different features than the newer one. Most of the info involves numbers, from screen size, cost of the phone to GB’s, and the weight of the phone.

3. Lastly, from the same website venngage.

Healthy Food Comparison Infographic Templates

This is an example of an infographic comparing and contrasting the number of grams of protein certain foods have. They bolded those numbers because they were most important for people to see. This is an easy infographic to follow. You just look at the food item, then it tells you the number of calories (they vary) it contains and gives you the protein it contains in grams.

Data Sets Data Visualization and Art Examples Infographics

Comparing Numbers

Data is everywhere. It’s been said ad nauseam, but advances in technology at scientific methodology have made it possible to collect and display data more efficiently. The major problem, however, is making sense of a set of data. Often, people ask, “What do these numbers mean,” especially when attempting to compare two or more numbers. Thankfully, data visualization makes it easier to comprehend the data and its message. The only problem is figuring out how to tell a story by comparing numbers using data visualization.

Prior to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, I rarely pay attention to the political climate in the United States, opting instead to focus on my academics or escape to virtual worlds via computer gaming. Yet deep down, I’ve always wondered if others like me do pay attention to politics and other news topics, especially where a presidential election is concerned.

How interested have people been in previous elections?

Pulling data from Google Trends, I went ahead to see how interested Americans have been in previous elections since the year 2000. However, the data only goes as far back as 2004, since Google implemented search interest trend analysis around that time.

A chart depicting search interest for the U.S. presidential election since 2004. Source: Google Trends.

There are four significant peaks in search interest (shown in the chart above), and those spikes occurred in November of each general election year– 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016– when the polls opened to the public on Election Day. In 2004, George W. Bush won his second term as President, though the search interest pales compared to 2016’s peak. That year, businessman Donald Trump ran for office and won the Electoral College vote to become the 45th president of the United States despite losing the popular vote to Hillary Clinton. Initially, in March of that year, Americans thought someone like him wouldn’t be able to secure the presidency. I recall seeing memes on the internet emerging around when he announced his candidacy but thought nothing else of it until he won the election. Based on the data from previous years, I can guess that search interest will spike again this year around Election Day. With issues such as COVID-19 and social unrest in the wake of George Floyd’s death at the hands of police officers, the search interest peak among U.S. voters will most likely dwarf that of 2016’s data.

When the search interest data is viewed another way, say on a map of the nation, it’s evident that some states had a stronger interest in election results than others.

A regional chart depicting election search interest by state. Source: Google Trends.

Some regions on the map, such as the District of Columbia and smaller states like New Jersey, do not have data labels tied to them due to graphing limitations in Excel. Still, Google Trends does show that the District of Columbia has the highest volume of interest when it comes to the presidential election. After that, New Jersey comes in second on a top-five comparison chart, followed by North Dakota, Maine, and Alaska.

The data provided by Google trends gives a general idea of how interested Americans are in general elections. But what do those numbers look like among demographics, and what do Americans look for in a candidate?

Breaking down election interest among demographics

Moving forward, I decided to pay a visit to the Pew Research Center’s website, which holds a repository of data trends for this year’s presidential election. The topics covered range from election-related social movements to hot-button issues such as COVID-19 and police reform.

One issue that Donald Trump has made a fuss about for the past four years is voter fraud, but it seems that more Americans are paying attention to those claims, especially where fraud resulting in Trump’s re-election is concerned. President Trump has allegedly made moves to attempt to block mail-in voting, a move that health experts say is more pandemic-friendly than in-person voting. Political analysts believe that if Americans are encouraged to vote by mail, the results could spell the end of Donald Trump’s presidency. Moreover, there is media documentation of President Trump crying foul on mail-in voting as a means of committing voter fraud.

Source: Pew Research Center

However, the Pew Research Center’s data shows that it’s mostly Republican voters who share President Trump’s sentiment about voter fraud. Democrats, on the other hand, do not seem to be concerned about the issue. Furthermore, the research shows that voter preference in news sources may influence political opinion. The disclaimer states that Republican voters tend to watch Fox News or listen to radio talk shows, while Democrats prefer to get their news from MSNBC and the New York Times.

Political divide based on news source is one matter facing the nation this election year, but influence from conspiracy theorists and foreign powers is quite another. Misinformation propagated by groups such as QAnon and Russian government-backed “troll farms” has led to confusion about the election, even paranoia, and cases of domestic terrorism.

Source: Pew Research Center

Roughly 47% of registered American voters have heard about QAnon. Among those who have heard o the conspiracy theory group, 40% of Republican-leaning voters believe that QAnon’s claims chalk up to being a good thing. On the other hand, 90% of Democratic-leaning voters believe that the misinformation QAnon spreads is bad for the country. Moreover, QAnon isn’t the only roadblock in getting clear-cut, unbiased information about the election. Since Donald Trump’s election, numerous reports have been published exposing negative influence on the United States’ affairs from global powers such as Russia. Many of those reports center on online “troll farms” funded and backed by the Kremlin. Their purpose is to flood social media sites such as Facebook with misleading information about Trump’s opponents in the hopes that their false claims would be shared by unsuspecting and uneducated users. Even worse, many Americans fear that hackers supported by foreign governments will alter the election results or create other forms of chaos that would impact the election.

Source: Pew Research Center

Two years ago, 67% of Americans in both parties believed that Russia would attempt to influence the U.S. elections in some capacity, with 50% of Republicans believing that Russia would interfere with the election compared to 80% of Democrats who expect it. The Pew Research Center asked the same question twice this year amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and the results show an increased concern in election interference by the Russians or other foreign countries. 75% of Americans reported in August that they are concerned that Russia would try to interfere with the election, likely in favor of Donald Trump; 62% of Republicans and 88% of Democrats said the chance of foreign interference occurring would be possible.

What surprised me the most was a report on Catholic voters. According to the Pew Research Center, Catholics in the United States are “split down the middle politically,” with 48% leaning toward Republican policy and 47% leaning toward the Democratic approach. Furthermore, Catholics are swing voters: in 2016, 52% of Catholics voted for Donald Trump versus 44% who voted for Hillary Clinton, while the percentage clocked in at 54% to 45% in favor of Barack Obama when he ran against John McCain in 2008.

Source: Pew Research Center

As someone who grew up in a Catholic household that often voted Republican, I can attest to how my parents’ beliefs shaped mine, at least until I arrived at an age where I decided to forge my fate. Once I became a registered voter, I turned my back on voting Republican vs. Democrat, opting to support independent candidates despite not knowing anything about politics. That was the case until this year when COVID-19 took the world by surprise and changed everything. Still, I carried on and shut politics out of my mind, once more focusing on my studies and learning more about the virus. Then a report came out exposing Donald Trump for covering up the seriousness of the pandemic. I had a feeling he was downplaying the issue to keep the American public from panicking. Still, the fact that he made moves to politicize the plague for his benefit infuriated me to no end. It was then that I knew that he had to go, for the sake of the nation’s health.


Data visualization can help voters make informed decisions on candidates and national issues and reflect trends in voting patterns. It is especially apparent in the partisan divide between Republican and Democrat voters today, though it doesn’t have to be that way. Regardless of your political beliefs, it is imperative to know that every voice counts, including yours. Now more than ever, the fate of the United States rests in her people’s hands. Whether you choose to go in-person to the polls or submit your ballot by mail…

Get out there and vote!

Data Visualization and Art

Comparing Numbers

Utilizing the right visualization to display numerical data is important when presenting accurate, and meaningful data to the audience. Numerical data seen through visualization allows the audience to interact with the data and compare the numbers and understand the information that is being displayed on the charts. One major advantage of data visualization is to help the audience see patterns, links, and trends that may not otherwise be visible through text-based information. While some visualizations are meaningful in representing numerical or statistical data, there are visualizations that are not hence, it is important to choose the most appropriate chart to reach your audience.

Examples of Visualizations to Compare Numbers

The Single Value Chart is a phenomenal tool for comparing single value digits. Displaying Revenue figures and calculating Operation costs are best used on this type of chart.

Comparison of different single value charts
Single Value Chart.

Four categories when displaying numbers:

  1. Relationship: Used to show relationships between multiple variables.

2. Composition: This chart is used to display how sets of a whole data are created into smaller divisions to highlight differences of each of the smaller parts to the total value.

3. Distribution- When displaying data values about a population within an area, the distribution map is helpful to accurately, and clearly represent figures within the specific location.

4.Comparison – These types of charts are very helpful in understanding and displaying data of multiple information over a period of time.


My Experience with Visualizing Health.

This week i had the opportunity to visit Michigan University’s Visualizing Health site and here how it went!

So this is the home screen, i must say i was a fan of the coor scheme and well is the font choice and graphics. All of those factors came together to make a very inviting home page
From the previous screen I clicked the “About” tab and i was brought to this page where i was met with a very engaging video
As the video began to explain the “wizard” i began to realize just how useful of a tool it must be for scientist and health officials during this pandemic.

All in all, I had a very informative time going through the site!


Comparing 2 different situatons

Below is a neat infographic regarding the concern of global warming. As global warming continues to rise each year, the effects that it takes on our planet shows more and more. However, this infographic compares a world where leaders take action to prevent global warming. But it also has another world if nothing is done about it. In the left is the world where nothing is done about climate change. It highlights key devasting effects that could occur on planet earth. On the right side is a world where we taking action on climate change. It shows how there is still hope in defeating this ongoing issue. There are also key points in this inforgraphic that highlights the effects of climate change in the coral triangle.

Data Sets Examples Infographics

Free Datasets: Comparing Numbers

October 1st, 2020 by Erika Kacprzykowski

Each day, data is being collected all across the world. There are hundreds upon thousands of different topics such as psychology, healthcare, and consumer analysis, many of which are free to access. This can be extremely useful for future projects or if you are just looking to expand your knowledge on the comparison of these numbers. Today, I have listed a couple great examples of free datasets that can be used for any project as well as some websites to access even more datasets.

  1. Mall Customers Dataset
Found on

This free dataset focuses on the collection of people at the mall. This is not limited to one specific subject such as age but gender, annual income, spending score are all included. This would be a great dataset to use for the comparison of males and females. Potential projects are also listed here which can be extremely helpful for those wanting to create an infographic but maybe do not know where to start.

2. Heart Disease Dataset

Found on

For those who are interested in anything related to health, the site listed above is a great resource for this topic. These include datasets relating to mortality, morbidity, and disease. All of which contain multiple pages of data collection.

3. Website: Piktochart Blog

Found from

This is a great website that lists 50 different datasets that are mostly free to access. These categories include finance, internet, etc. (see picture above). With all of these options, you will be able to choose which one works best for you.

4. The World Bank

Found on

With the ability to search any topic you want, the possibilities are endless. The site also contains other features such as a Microdata Library, the ability to open a Data Catalog, Finances, Projects & Operations and more. This is another great website if you are looking to find more free datasets but maybe don’t know where to start.


Overall, there are thousands of datasets online. Some being free, while others requiring a subscription. However, with these free resources there are plenty of options to choose from. The ability to compare numbers of a particular topic whether this is gender, age, ethnicity, or countries is very important and useful in society. The possibilities and projects available are endless.


Data Visualizations Tools

Excel is one of the most useful tools for creating Data Visualizations


Visiualising Health Data

Haneef Abdul-Jabbaar

Blog Post 3

This website and the way it works came at a very interesting time. My dad is currently going through health complications and frequently complains about the feedback that doctors give people such as him. It is not intuitive, to my dad, and many other people. He would have to go to another doctor in order to hear another explanation. Which, realistically, should never have to happen. Especially when health care isn’t always free.  And it’s not necessarily anyone’s fault.

Instantly, someone like me looks for verbatim data, and where the concern should be so I appreciated the tiny quiz. I personally fail to see the benefits in “gist understandings.” Perhaps if you legitimately do not care about your health, but I’m not sure.

The Risk calculators are, without a doubt, my favourite part, and finding intuitive ways to share calculated figures and a beneficial way is a goal of mine. There were a few boring graphs.There is always some difficulty with displaying very small or large numbers, but imagination is key. 

There should always be a balance of visual data and practical knowledge, but In general, seeing more stuff like this may lead to some benefit.  


Visualizing Health

By Thamina Akther

The first thing that stood out the most after visiting the site and watching the video is the visualizing color and the color coordination of the site. As you can see below, the theme color of the site is very dark, almost pitch black, however, the main topics are highlighted in neon colors. Which is extremely helpful for individuals with astigmatism and light sensitivity like myself.

Visualizing health is a scientifically style guide for communicating health data. The homepage of the site contains about four different sections, the about section, the wizards section, browse the gallery section and using visualizing health section .Hence, first and foremost, I visited the ” About” section, in order to learn the purpose of the website. There I was able to watch a video called ” About This Project”, which elaborated on what the project is about and it’s purpose.

According to my understanding the purpose of this website is help individuals learn the right information, along with images for better understanding. Visualizing health also contains a sample risk calculator with design concepts.

Furthermore, after reading the ” About” section, I switched to the ” Wizard” section, where I had to answer some questions in regards to what my primary goal is to learn about the risk factors. In the same page, I was also able to choose whether I wanted to the basic ideas for the risk factors or the exact numbers. In my opinion, these questionnaires are very helpful for first time visitors of the site and also for individuals like myself, who just wants to know what this site is about.

Ultimately, I switched to the gallery section. Which happened to be my favorite section out of the four due to the amount of info graphics and easy to understand information’s. These infographics not only contained primary information but also went in depth about health disparities between different age group, racial disparities in rates of disease, side effects, etc.

In conclusion, my experience with this site has been great so far. I even bookmarked it, as I am curious to learn about about these matters and also about the site. Would recommend as a great tool for health informatics and infographics.


Visualizing Health

About the Project Page, detailing the what and why.

I personally found the first page of the website a little bothersome, mostly due to the speed at which all of the available widgets appeared. I thought it was kind of annoying to have to wait for everything to load and then load again. Seemed counterproductive for someone trying to do research.

All of the gallery images on this site are available for widespread use through a creative commons license. You are free to duplicate, adapt, and modify the images as you see fit—we just ask that you abide by the Creative Commons Attribution terms.