

There are numerous uses for Pie charts, especially as conveyors of information. When trying to present some any kind of data that is relative to a whole, this is the graph you would use. While it may depend on what kind of data you are trying to get across, I think these are easy to make, the technical parts can be time consuming if you aren’t great at creating them.

|My Pie Chart|

I chose to convey this type of information, but I believe that any kind of graph would have gotten the information I wanted to convey. It’s just a simple 3D bar graph made using excel. The types of foods went into one cell, while the percentages went into the other. After inserting the type of pie chart you want, from there the labeling, and other technical things lookovers, and there you have a pie chart. =]

One reply on “#piecharts”

Hi i noticed you said that that any kind of graph would have gotten the information across. My question is what about this graph made you chose it. Or even better what graph beside a pie chart could have best convey this information?

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