Benchmark data is information collected from industry sources to determine how other firms achieve their high levels of performance. Benchmarks are everywhere. The link that is attached talks about benchmarks and provides a great amount of information on them.
Benchmarks can be great for:
- Share your success with clients, grant-makers, regulators, and your Board of Trustees
- Feed your performance and quality improvement system
- Get folks talking!
- Set goals and acknowledge high performance
Here is an example of data from Amazon. This is Amazon’s net revenue from 2004 to 2019. The progression of their company is being shown here.

This is another example of a benchmark. This is comparing the response time and web page response time between Amazon, Apple, BestBuy, and Newegg. You can see that the webpage response time is highest for all of them. Overall, Amazon had the highest response time and Newegg had the highest webpage response time.

Lastly, this is a benchmark comparing Brower’s. Below they are comparing Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Opera. The highest number is the best therefore, Chrome is the best browser.

One reply on “Benchmark Comparisons”
I never really pay much attention to how fast a webpage responds to a query when I know the page will load relatively fast. However, I am curious as to where you got the data for that example. I think you should provide a link to the source next time, either in a paragraph or in an image caption.