
Tools for Making Infographics Cool!

Ashley Morales

September 20, 2020

Why are Infographics Important?

Most people look at infographics without actually knowing that they are and how much they have actually been beneficial to us. Little did we know that ever graph or pie chart or even an advertisement was an example of an infographic. They are a quick and easy way to get the point across to the reader without confusing them or spitting a whole bunch of information at them.

There are a whole bunch of cool tools and websites that can help make your infographics exciting and will help draw attention to your readers.

Here is a list of some of those tools:

  • Visme, which is actually a multi purpose site that allows you to make presentations, infographics, advertisements and much more.
  •, on the other hand, can be used strictly for infographics. They have different templates that cater to different types of audiences and themes that you can choose from.
  • PiktoChart is really good if you need some quick graphs or charts done.

Other tips for infographics:

  • Always make sure to make it clear for all types of readers and listeners.
  • Make it simple. The whole purpose of infographics are to make hard information and graphs easy to understand.
  • It is okay to have black spaces! The point is to make it visually easy to look at. If you have way too much going it could easily distract those with short attention spans.
  • Grab their attention. Similar to an essay, you are. going to have to hook the readers in, usually with a title or some kind of visual

2 replies on “Tools for Making Infographics Cool!”

Ashley, your blog post was very well presented, I think that you did an excellent job in explaining and giving examples of the tools to make cool infographics. I do have one question, the tools that you presented in the blog like Visme and piktochart, are free online tools, or do you need to pay to use it?
One suggestion that I do have is that images perhaps, screenshots of the websites, I think would be a great addition to the blog post. Nevertheless, I think that these tools will be great usage for not just infographics, but for other projects like school events, or birthday parties in creating flyers and posters. Creating infogrpahics should not be time-consuming if done with the right tools.

First, I love the title because it is attention grabbing! I like how you listed the tools and additional tips, you make it easy to understand. I do have a suggestion, I would love to see an image or a small screen shot of the tools you used. I think that given a visual could give more depth to your explanation of each. I would like to add to your additional tips is to encourage personalization, keep it minimal but don’t be afraid to add a splash of color.

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