The graph above (via nytimes.com) displays several major natural disasters and alongside them, the amount of money required to get things back to a normal state.
The graph below (also via nytimes.com) displays the importance and reasoning behind flattening the curve of COVID cases. In this graph, the benchmark is the healthcare system capacity.

2 replies on “Benchmarks In Media”
I’ve seen the “flatten the curve” infographic countless times and I still find myself impressed with how simple yet effective the chart’s message conveys to people the importance of taking steps to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. If it’s possible, I’d like to see more examples of benchmarks regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
I found the first graph you posted very interesting. It really helps put into perspective just how devastating some natural disasters are, such as with Hurricanes Katrina and Harvey. I can see it being very useful for determining what kinds of disasters we need to be more prepared for in the future.