
Visiualising Health Data

Haneef Abdul-Jabbaar

Blog Post 3

This website and the way it works came at a very interesting time. My dad is currently going through health complications and frequently complains about the feedback that doctors give people such as him. It is not intuitive, to my dad, and many other people. He would have to go to another doctor in order to hear another explanation. Which, realistically, should never have to happen. Especially when health care isn’t always free.  And it’s not necessarily anyone’s fault.

Instantly, someone like me looks for verbatim data, and where the concern should be so I appreciated the tiny quiz. I personally fail to see the benefits in “gist understandings.” Perhaps if you legitimately do not care about your health, but I’m not sure.

The Risk calculators are, without a doubt, my favourite part, and finding intuitive ways to share calculated figures and a beneficial way is a goal of mine. There were a few boring graphs.There is always some difficulty with displaying very small or large numbers, but imagination is key. 

There should always be a balance of visual data and practical knowledge, but In general, seeing more stuff like this may lead to some benefit.  

One reply on “Visiualising Health Data”

Hey, I appreciate how you mentioned something personal to you, and how this website might be helpful to you. I believe that health literacy is something that needs to improve within the health care system. So instead of trying to figure out what doctors are trying to tell us, we can just see it visually with colors, numbers, and even adjust it to the level of understanding the person needs. I also enjoyed the risk calculator. While using the risk calculator I was thinking about some features that I would have liked to see on it. For example, if it had more icons to choose from or if we could work with different percentages (not just out of 100). Someone might want to display “out of the 50% of people who go late to school, 10% due so because of lack of reliable transportation.”

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