
Designing Effective Infographics

How to present data without losing your reader’s attention!

Summary: “Information graphics translate data into a visual medium that is easy to understand and engaging. Integrated visuals with text and pictures that strengthen each other are the goal, but hard to achieve.” -Lexie Kane (2018)

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  • Honest Information-
    • The information included in your infographic needs to be accurate and sourced.
    • Make sure you have extra links to your data as well as popular sources.
    • This will give the viewer more reason to use your information.
  • Minimalism is Key-
    • Keep your infographic design simple.
    • Use about 3-5 colors that compliment each other.
    • Make sure your words don’t crowd the data.
    • You essentially want your infographic to show your data in a professional way but also be able to have a 5 year old understand it.
  • Interactivity-
    • Having an interactive infographic is a great way to get your viewer involved with your presentation.
    • Sliding objects and adding preferences to the information they want to see automatically keeps the viewer invested.
    • Being able to narrow down what data they want to see is very important. It combines all 3 of these examples into one!

Here’s a website with some good examples of…

“Interactive Infographics”
Click the Link to open the website.