Traveling any where in world prior to the 1990’s consisted of making sure you purchased the most up-to-date map before heading out. Even so, getting from point A to B was not without its fair share of getting lost and several U-turns. By late the 1990’s, alternatives like external GPS navigation and websites like Yahoo maps and Mapquest were all the rage. Printing a map was a must for all road trips. They included options of roads with or without tolls and even provided alternate routes.
By 2005 new mobile technology provided the option of greater internet options via smart phones. As websites were now available via smart phones, external GPS navigation became a thing of the past.
Enter Google maps, late into the scene. However, Google came strong and provided more updated maps than some of the other websites at the time. Within a short time, Google provided the option maps with satellite images. While other websites were still trying to catch up, Google further provided the option of Street View technology. With this new technology zooming into any street to get a better view of landmarks was possible.
Fast forward to today and street view has been expanded to include not just streets but locations all over the world. From your favorite country like Egypt, to local areas like Central Park in New York or even swim with fishes in Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef (See below). Google Street View has made the world extra small by bringing the farthest reaches to any internet capable device.
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